When you start a business, you only have a few financing options. You’ve got the angels, friends and family and some bank and credit loans. But not a lot to work with, because there is nothing already there. On the other hand, when you get into a business that already exists, you have tremendously more financing options. We have identified many of them that by taking them, you also have brand recognition, you do not need to build up a brand from scratch because people would know a business that’s been around for a long time. It also has its own customers, sales, which means it already has profits as well.
There is another misconception that people have about acquiring with no money out of pocket or no money down out of pocket.
They already have profitable businesses that a lot of them are run by baby boomers. Most of these businesses are already profitable and if you are like that well, I don’t want to own a Carwash or a Restaurant or mortar businesses, baby boomers own a lot of Tech businesses too. They own software as a service, E-commerce businesses, they own E-learning businesses and Information businesses. So, you get all of that sales profits, the contacts they’ve already got, the systems and the employees they’ve already got.
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